Sunday, April 28, 2013

A new science fiction short story

Those who know me know that my regular gig is traditional mysteries. I love to read them and enjoy writing them. However, once in a while …

I have posted (and will leave in place for a short time) a new science fiction short story, “The Janitor.”

It’s quite short — less than 2,800 words. How did I come to write it?

The idea came from an episode of the wonderful Writing Excuses podcast, the April 7, 2013 episode called “Brainstorming with Brandon.” One of the regulars, Brandon Sanderson, brought a short story idea to the table for discussion with the rest of the crew, and together they threw ideas about,  searching for a good story. Listening to the show on my way to work (my iPod connects to my car stereo), I found myself pounding my steering wheel and saying, “That’s not the story! I know what this story is!” Outlining it took about 20 minutes, and the bulk of the story was written in a couple of evenings.

If you read it, please leave a comment on this post with comments, suggestions, whatever.

The story won’t be available here forever, so read it now by clicking on the link in the second paragraph or in the menu bar at the top.


  1. Very nice Jim! It reminds me of some of the old Sci Fi shorts. You did a good job of hiding the payoff until close to the end. I enjoyed the story very much.


  2. Mike, Thanks for that! I love the old short stories as well, and I guess it shows …

  3. Hello Jim,

    Hope you are doing good. You have got an amazing book blog here, loved it. I am writing to you today, looking for an honest review of my suspense, thriller, sci-fi story-book "Time Crawlers", published on June 14, 2018, via Kindle Direct Publishing. The book is 118 pages long.
    Alien Invasion, Dark Artificial Intelligence, Time-Travel, High-Tech Hindu Mythology, Djinn Folklore, Telekinetics and life-consuming Cosmic Entities are some major themes in my book which has 6 tightly-knit, fast-paced Sci-Fi stories.

    Your precious words would be a very big help to me and help me write better books in the future. Please let me know if you would be willing to share your valuable review. I will share the PDF or MOBI as required by you.

    Amazon link here:

    Please let me know how to proceed.

    Very Respectfully,
    Varun Sayal
